I Became a Barbarian Warrior Who Hid His Face in a World Where Everything Was Reversed

  • Genre: Action
  • Author: 지하땅굴,
  • Translator:
  • Status: Ongoing

  • Rating(3.8 / 5.0)

Women and monsters alike only want to f**k men.

I wear a helmet and wield an axe every day to survive in this crazy world.

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Popular Reviews

  1. Daoist_Culture
    Daoist_Culture rated it
    Sometimes I don't like this trend of harem-hating and drama hating here. No. It was good till the end. You obviously didn't read korean novels much. Otherwise the end would have been liked or expected. The author isn't getting paid from webnovel or here. He wrote what he likes and the people there in his original site like. He needs to live too.
    It was a good ending except I wanted Ludwig to have a more happy ending and I didn't get those side stories where R-18 happens in these novels. Don't know if it is the site that didn't post or the author. I need those r-18s bruh.

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