Swallowed Star 2: Origin Continent

  • Genre: Action
  • Author: I Eat Tomatoes,Wo Chi Xi Hong Shi,我吃西红柿
  • Translator:
  • Status: Ongoing

  • Rating(3.8 / 5.0)

Luo Feng, accompanied by Boundary Beast Morosa, traversed reincarnation and arrived at the Origin Continent…

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  1. fenrir translations

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Popular Reviews

  1. Velstad
    Velstad rated it
    *blinks* aye yo bro I am Indian too! There are many indian readers here, u can find them on shadow slave specially. I personally know two three people who read lns too !!
  1. kofuy
    kofuy rated it
    It’s been almost 3 years old friend.

    This was my second novel, discovered it right after I finished solo leveling.

    I hope it gets picked up again.
  1. IgnatiousPeter2081
    All the worlds always......ended up....in a disaster
  1. NixelLazuliRwj
    NixelLazuliRwj rated it
    The ending doesn't sit right with me, it was going very well until maybe the last 100 or so chapters, it's quite abrupt how it all changes.

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