In a world where magic lingers just beneath the surface, two ancient sorcerers, Merlin and Malakar, once stood united against an ancient evil. Merlin, a master of time manipulation with other range of magic abilities, and Malakar, a dark elf bound by his father's malevolent pact, fought side by side for centuries. However, upon Merlin's death, he entrusts Malakar with spreading the magic they've safeguarded. To preserve their legacy, Malakar reincarnates both their souls for a future battle against an old darkness.
In modern times, Merlin is reborn as Kaito, the world's most powerful human sorcerer, while Malakar reincarnates as Akira, a 16-year-old boy who struggles with his destiny. Akira is haunted by the idea of being Malakar's reincarnation and is reluctant to embrace the darker side of his past life. Alongside them is a new generation of sorcerers—Mikage, a fiery prodigy; Yukiko, a cold and disciplined Ice Mage; and Hakuren, an ancient mentor with deep knowledge of magic. Together, they must confront rising threats, including monstrous beings hunting Akira and the sinister forces of an ancient evil stirring once again.
As Akira wrestles with his identity and the evil magic inherited from Malakar, he forms new bonds and must face trials that will determine the fate of magic in this era. With a mysterious primordial beast locked within him, a ghostly mentor teaching him forgotten arts, and the growing danger looming over them all, Akira must decide if he will embrace or defy his destiny in this new age of sorcery.
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