Replacement Bride for the Alpha of the North

  • Genre: Fantasy
  • Author: saltedpepper
  • Translator:
  • Status: Ongoing

  • Rating(4.3 / 5.0)
A smug smile appeared on her step sister's lips when she finally revealed she was actually pregnant with her mate's child. Her father's futile attempt to apologize, for ignoring her all this time, because he had his own reasons and asked her to understand. A plea of forgiveness from her mate as he begged her not to reject him, claiming it was just a stupid mistake that he shouldn't have made. And to top it off, a cursed alpha from the north, to whom her step sister was actually promised, is here to collect his debt, so she has to take her place as the sacrifice now. Darn!

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Original Group

  1. chereads
  2. webnovel

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Popular Reviews

  1. SpiritImmortalMvH
    What do you expect? This is basically just bootleg pokemon with caterpie as MC starter pokemon

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