A mirror into her past

  • Genre: Romance
  • Author: Chibuikem
  • Translator:
  • Status: Ongoing

  • Rating(4.3 / 5.0)
A mirror into her past is a 21st century story set in Vancouver, Canada. It revolves around the rebirth story of a young lady who happened to be a princess in her past life. She had terrible parents who were willing to trade her for political power and alliance. Being unable to satisfy this purpose against her own desires, she was subjected to death. In the cause of her rebirth, history repeats itself. This time around, she consented to marrying into a wealthier family to save her father's dying company. A marriage, more like an eye opener to the sad realities of her life as her acclaimed husband became a thread, a mirror into her past. In the cause of finding out about herself, she understands that her husband who was rumored to be terrible was also a victim of exploitation. Everything was done against his will, at such, the marriage was all planned and arranged by his father. The couples later grew soft spots for each other as they had to navigate through the misery together and sort out their differences.

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